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Ask the Etiquette Expert

The Etiquette of AirPods

Dear Diane,

My fiance recently surprised me with a pair of AirPods for my birthday. Now that I am wearing (and loving) them, I spot them everywhere I go. This leads me to my question: what is the etiquette of wearing AirPods, or any type of headphones for that matter, in public? For some context, I live and work in downtown Houston with a hectic career in real estate. When I’m in the office, the background noise is typically agents making calls. I like to drown out the chatter with the peaceful distraction of my playlist but I am not sure of the etiquette.

Thanks in advance,


Dear Justine,

Your question is timely; AirPods fall under technology etiquette, which frequently comes up when I’m leading etiquette sessions everywhere from universities to corporations. The fact that you took the time to reach out tells me you are socially and corporately self-aware. Thank you for sharing your office culture because it helps paint the picture of your day-to-day work life. Keep reading for my mannerly tips on AirPods (and headphones).

AirPods Etiquette

On Your Commute

Of course, you’ll want to avoid wearing headphones while driving. If you travel by METRORail for your office commute, you’ll probably notice many people wearing AirPods. It’s a great way to catch up on a podcast or audiobook. As long as it doesn’t interfere with other passengers or put your safety in jeopardy, enjoy your ride. It’s always important to stay alert to your environment, however.

If you’re taking an Uber, acknowledge your driver and feel free to make your calls or listen to your playlist. Wrap the conversation up or ask the person on the line to hold for a moment as you say “thank you” and exit the vehicle.

In the Workplace

Be mindful of your corporate culture. Enter the workplace with your device(s) put away (AirPods/headphones included). Greet your officemates with an alert “Good morning” and make yourself available for quick catch-ups at the start of the day. Determining if you should wear your AirPods has to do with what is acceptable at your office. Do you work in an open workspace, cubicle or individual office? Many employees wear headphones to drown out background noise and stay focused when working under a deadline. It ultimately depends on how management views the gesture.

Open Office Space & Chatty Coworkers

Headphones are generally understood as a universal signal for “please don’t bother me.” You may appear perfectly normal sitting next to someone on the plane but rude going through the checkout line at the grocery store. It’s definitely off limits when you are engaging with someone face to face, over lunch or at a meeting. You can’t be equally connected to your AirPods and another person at the same time.

While your earpiece can be a buffer during a hectic workday, it can also be seen as a distraction and make you appear difficult to approach. Wearing only one earpiece is not the answer. When someone enters your office space, remove your earbuds and give the person your complete attention.

I hope this is the start of a productive relationship with your new AirPods.



Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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