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Ask the Etiquette Expert

10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Lunch Break

By April 22, 2019One Comment

Dear Diane,
I’ve worked at my current job for six months and have fallen into the habit of eating lunch at my desk on a regular basis. At first, it was necessary to power through lunch due to client deadlines. Now that I have gotten in the groove of the daily routine, I am finding myself with time to spare during my lunch hour and want to do something constructive and empowering with my free time. Any suggestions?
Julia P.

Dear Julia,
Here are 10 ideas on how to spend a 30-minute window of time:

taking breaks at work

1. Invite a coworker out for a power walk after a quick salad or deli sandwich. It’s a good way to get to know your coworkers on a little more personal basis without overstepping boundaries.

2. Write a letter or thank you note. People appreciate getting correspondence in the mail. Reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken with for a while, or thanking someone who has impacted your life is a great way to foster goodwill. I love pretty stationery, and I encourage you to start your own collection of notecards and writing pens.

3. Commit to listening to a short, inspirational TED Talk or podcast, or read a chapter of a good book. Find a quiet spot where you can relax and give your full attention to a few words of wisdom.

4. Volunteer to pick up lunch for the crew. Send a quick email to your coworkers, letting them know you plan to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant and are happy to bring back orders for those who can’t get away. Include your Venmo info and/or ask for cash so it’s clear you aren’t treating the entire office.

5. Learn a new language. Download one of the new, easy to use language apps and finally accomplish one of your lifelong goals. Become fluent in a language before you visit a new country on your bucket list.

6. Call a friend or family member who has been on your mind. You can let them know you are on your lunch break but wanted to check in and say hello (they will understand the reason for the cutting the call short). Make doctors appointments or phone calls you can’t get to during the workday. You won’t feel guilty using company time attempting to make travel plans with your travel planner when it’s your time and not your boss’s.

7. Go to the gym. You will feel better if you get your exercise in and the lunch hour is a good time to expend some energy on much-needed stress relief. You will start to recognize the regulars and make friends while you do something good for your body.

8. Grocery shop. Pick up a quart of milk or a few vegetables if you have room in the office refrigerator. It will save you time on the way home, and you will be able to shop for lunch while you are in the deli aisle.

9. Take a quick power nap. If you have a park nearby, take your lunch to a park bench and enjoy the fresh air. Set your smartwatch to wake you after you close your eyes for a while.

10. Attend a local lunch and learn. There are plenty of opportunities to find like-minded people to learn from, and connect with, near your office. Search out an organization of interest and get involved. It’s an excellent way to network while you broaden your scope of knowledge.

Research shows that taking breaks can actually boost productivity levels. Find what works for you and give it a try. Keep me posted on your results.


Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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