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How to Handle Your Boss Resigning

By September 14, 2018December 18th, 2023No Comments

Dear Diane,


My boss recently left and I am struggling with “what’s next” for me. His position has not been filled and I’m not sure if I should talk to my temporary supervisor. I also am confused about what happened and a little worried I may be next on the chopping block. Any advice would be appreciated.






How to Handle Your Boss Resigning


Dear Andrea,


Any change is unsettling when you aren’t sure what happened. But, in life, change is inevitable. When your boss decides to move on, it can feel unsettling and your mind may be riddled with a myriad of questions – some not your business – ranging from who will be the replacement to will you be replaced.

The first step to navigating any change is to take a deep breath and remain calm. While there’s a natural tendency to fear change, new beginnings often bring welcome transformations. Focus on the following tips for successfully handling your boss’s departure.


Stick to the Facts

There will be speculation, even gossip, about what’s “really” going on behind the scenes. Don’t engage and don’t participate in it. It’s fair to be curious and ask for a fact-based understanding of what happened and where things may be heading next. Wait for a staff meeting and broach the topic in a professional conversation or talk to your boss about your apprehensions.


Talk to Your Boss

Before your boss leaves, make it a point to express your gratitude for their supervision, guidance and direction. When possible, it’s always in your best interest to keep your relationship positive. It’s a small world and you never know when you will work together again.


Picture Yourself Moving Up 

Your boss’s departure may create an opportunity for you to grow professionally. At the appropriate time (not in the middle of chaos or your boss’s goodbye party), schedule a meeting with your departing boss’s immediate supervisor to discuss next steps. It’s helpful to know if the position is open to new applicants. You never know if you or someone you know would be a good fit. This is a great time to share any ideas you have, to reaffirm your dedication to your job and to indicate your interest in taking on a more significant role. Communication is key!


Stay Positive

Keep an open mind. As much as you enjoyed working with your boss, there could be even better things on the horizon, for both your company and for your career.  Regardless of what happens next, you will inevitably learn something new and gain valuable experience.


Keep on Keeping On

The best thing you can do is to continue doing your job to the best of your ability and look for additional ways to help. Whatever your role, this time of uncertainty is an opportunity to set an example for professionalism and leadership. Stay focused on what is important for the growth of your career.






Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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