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Productive Back to the Office Morning Routines

By April 8, 2021December 18th, 2023No Comments

Dear Diane,

It’s been a “long hard minute” since I have seen the inside of my office and in a couple of weeks, the entire staff has been asked to return to work. The pandemic has taken its toll on me in more ways than one. I can’t imagine how I am going to get back to a daily routine after working from home for almost a year. The truth is I have no idea where to begin. I saw your video on Fox7 and loved your morning routine tips. Can you please elaborate on them a little more?

Thank you in advance,

 Dear Michelle,

You are not alone. While the pandemic is certainly not over, with the vaccine available and many people taking advantage of the protection, there certainly light at the end of the tunnel. While many people will continue to work from home, many others are returning or have returned to work already and struggling to get back into their daily routines.

routineWhen you have a plan, you are better equipped to start your day off on the right foot.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed each morning should be at the top of your morning routine list. A couple of years ago I had the good fortune to meet William H. Craven, retired US Navy four-star admiral, chancellor of The University of Texas System (2015-2018) and author of the hugely popular book, Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life. He offers ten lessons he learned from Navy SEAL training in dealing with the challenges of life. His emphasis on small, simple steps, such as making your bed in the morning, leads to a better and more productive day. There is so much more to learn than this quick review and certainly worth the read. 

Don’t Hit Snooze

The old adage, “When you snooze, you lose” has some truth in it. You are losing precious daylight by hitting the snooze button. If you notice, when you lie in bed after the alarm goes off you usually go through all of the things you need to do, have to address and are dreading. If you get up and tackle them, they will be behind you rather than in front of you. Get up and get moving.

Treat Yourself

Before your first day back to work, do something special for yourself. Get your nails done, book that massage you have been putting off, or invest in a coffee pot that will wake you each morning to your favorite morning brew. We often overlook ourselves while taking care of others and a new bottle of nail polish in a spring color or an updated hairstyle will be worth the money and effort.

Make Your Medical Appointments Before Going Back to Work

You may be due for a dental cleaning or an important medical exam you have had to put off during quarantine. Rather than having it loom over your head, call and make the appointment. Even if you can’t get in before you go back to work, it will be on your calendar and a check on your “to do” punch list.

Invest in a New Pillow

Get into a nightly routine of going to bed at a decent hour so you get 8 hours of sleep. A recent study found that people sleep 75% sounder on a fresh set of sheets. If you have been complaining about your pillow, now is the time to buy a new one. You will feel better in the morning if you sleep healthier the night before.

Eat a Good Breakfast

Like making your bed each morning, taking the time to fuel your body with nutritious food before your walk out the door is certainly worth the effort—meal prep the night before or select fresh fruit and Greek yogurt. Plan your grocery list to include easy, fast choices so you don’t have an excuse to skip breakfast. 

Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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