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Ask the Etiquette Expert

How to Eat an Oyster

By May 9, 2019December 18th, 2023No Comments

Dear Diane,

My wife and I recently relocated to the coast of South Carolina and are delighted at the array of fresh seafood available. Before we work our way through the list of Conde Nast restaurant recommendations, we have a question. What is the proper way to eat an oyster?

Thanks for your help,


Dear Dean,

Congratulations on your move; it sounds like life in the Lowcountry suits you well! I am glad you reached out before your culinary adventures commence. Although you can find this little mollusk in many restaurants, how to eat it leaves some people baffled. The questions I often receive include: do use your fingers or a fork? Slurp or chew, gulp or swallow? All are relevant to those who may enjoy the small tasty oyster but are uncertain where to begin.

how to eat an oyster

First, I’d recommend watching this helpful video featuring Michael Cressotti, chef of Mermaid Oyster Bar. Lily Lemontree also shares a few pointers on her blog. Keep reading for my tips.

The proper way to eat an oyster:

1. Find a reputable restaurant or oyster bar.

This should not be an issue given your location, but it is worth sharing. Steer clear from restaurants that are unfamiliar with oysters or ones where you are not certain how long they have been sitting around. My favorite oyster bar is Clarks in Austin, Texas. They are clean, professional and guaranteed always to be fresh.

2. Make sure the oysters are fresh.

When possible, watch them shuck the oyster in front of you. Oysters should have come directly off the ice onto your plate.

3. Taste before you sauce.

Don’t put any seasonings or sauce on the first oyster on the plate, getting familiar with the taste. Grip with your index finger and thumb on each side and use your oyster fork to separate the meat from the shell. Bring it to your mouth and tip the oyster shell into your mouth to eat.

4. Put condiments on lightly.

Don’t overpower the oyster with too much sauce. Or, squeeze a slice of citrus on the oyster to enhance the taste.

5. Chew the oyster before you swallow.

The meat must be broken up to release the true flavors.

6. Separate the used shells from the uneaten oysters.

Place them face down on a side dish, never back on the original serving platter.

If you are attending an Oyster Roast and will be shucking your own oysters, tune into this tutorial from Legal Sea Foods’ Executive Chef Rich Vellante.

Bon Appetit,


Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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