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Ask the Etiquette Expert

Greeting Etiquette When in a Relationship

By October 14, 2014No Comments

Dear Diane,

I have a large group of single girlfriends and a wonderful boyfriend. We often get together for dinners and drinks. When my boyfriend enters the room, he greets my friends first by hugging and kissing each one before ‎greeting me. During the dinner he tends to pay more attention to my girlfriends rather than talking to me. He is usually very considerate of me and while I am not a jealous person, I find myself wondering if this is appropriate etiquette for greeting and talking with the other women at social get-togethers.

Thank you,


Dear M.,

It boils down to respect and consideration for both you and your girlfriends. If is perfectly fine to greet and say hello to those he sees as he is making his way to say “hello” to you. If you are uncomfortable with him hugging and kissing your girlfriends, it would be best to speak with him in private about your concerns. However, if your boyfriend is completely ignoring you and flirting with your friends, this behavior would not acceptable under any circumstances. Make sure to remain calm, yet assertive, when confronting him with your concerns. There is a (slight) chance he may not even be aware of his actions.

Best of luck!


Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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